Beverly Hills Community Farm Establishes Roots

From left to right, Beverly Hills Community Farm co-founders Hope Levy-Biehl, Jen Levy, and Gaby Reims Alexander, along with Nicholas Rumanes of Welltower Inc. Photo courtesy of the Beverly Hills Community Farm

From left to right, Beverly Hills Community Farm co-founders Hope Levy-Biehl, Jen Levy, and Gaby Reims Alexander, along with Nicholas Rumanes of Welltower Inc. Photo courtesy of the Beverly Hills Community Farm

The Beverly Hills Community Farm was recently featured in the Beverly Hills Courier.

Frome the article:

Head down North Bedford Drive in the heart of Beverly Hills, and you’ll see plenty of typical storefronts: cafés, jewelry stores, nail salons, and the like. But near where Bedford crosses Brighton Way, you may notice something a little less ordinary –– nine large hydroponic towers, each with various plants and herbs growing out of them.

Welcome to the Beverly Hills Community Farm.

Founded in January 2020, the farm is the product of years of research and a lifetime of passion for founders Jen Levy, Hope Levy-Biehl, and Gaby Reims Alexander, all Beverly Hills natives.

“As an educational farm, our goal is to really teach people about the benefits of eating food locally, growing food locally, growing in an environmentally sustainable way,” Levy told the Courier.

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